Kishumundu Secondary School - A good place to learn!                           Welcome - Karibu!!


Kishumundu Secondary School (KSS) is a private school in ownership of the enclosing communities, and managed by the Diocese of Moshi (Tanzania). The school was founded in 1985 and is open to Day as well as Boarding Pupils of both genders and regardless of their religious orientation.

In Form III and IV Kishumundu Secondary School offers two branches with different priorities, Arts and Sciences.

  • In the Arts-Branch the subjects of teaching are Mathematics, Geography, History, Civics, English, Kiswahili, Religion, Commerce, Book-Keeping, Biology & Health, and Computering.
  • In our Science-Branch Mathematics, Geography, History, Civics, English, Kiswahili, Religion, Commerce*, Computering*, Biology, Chemistry, and Physics are teached. Note, that common subjects to both branches are in italics, whereas astericks (*) marked subjects are optional.


Please visit our Latest News and Past Activities (click on Link) page for information about recent activities at our school.  


Feel free to visit our other subpages, e.g. History of the School, Administration, Academics, Accommodation, and Guestbook to get more information about our school.

Overview on the School.                                     Classroom-Impression


Click here to see a Satellite View of the entire School on Google Maps. That might be an sightly elder image, dependant on the actualization of Google Earth!

Amazing: In april 2021 our entry on Google Maps reached 809 views / month.



Our school permanently improves: In August 2022 we started to replace the rusty and leaky roof sheets in the foreground by new ones and later one allmost all, sponsored by our german friends of Helfen macht Schule. In January 2025 the schoolyard get paved!    ---> visit our Latest News for actual images.




Successful teaching

In the recent years our school reached very good ranking positions in the nationwide final exams CSEE of Form IV students. Usually we are within the leading 15-20 % of all tanzanian schools, see graph below. If you like please check by yourself here: Results online





Update 2025

In the final CSEE exams 2024 Kishumundu Secondary School's Form IV this year students achieved an average grade of 2,95. Of these students 4 accomplished with DIV I, 9 with DIV II, 11 with DIV III and 15 with DIV IV.

These results are similar to last year. All 39 participating students passed the exams.

You can see the detailed results here:  .


Congratulations to all students and their teachers involved in teaching and preparation!  

Teachers and Staff of Kishumundu Secondary School (2021)

Picture courtesy of our german friend Winfried Sommer.



Learning conditions

Kishumundu Secondary School offers a computer room with internet access, a library, two classrooms equipped for experimental science (see picture above. Visit the subpage Academics for more pictures), modern Dormatories for boys and girls (normally 4 Beds / Room, see subpage Accommodation for details), and a dining hall (see movie below). For safety of the students our school is surrounded by a fence and watchmen controll access to the school.


Please visit the Latest News subpage for recent improvements and actual activities at our school.


See us singing our School anthem:

360 degree turn in our school yard:

Note: This movie was taken a couple of years ago. In the meantime our school continued to improve, e.g. the roofs were painted new and later renewed, see Latest News and the movie below!


Students of our german partner School Kopernikusschule Freigericht created a movie about our School on their latest visit in 2018 - have a look, Karibu!


Kilimanjaro Skills Support

In 2018, on December 4th, a constitutional meeting took place to establish the Kilimanjaro Skills Support, an organisation with the aim to support the further development of our school and of the Vocational Training Centre (VTC) in Moshi. This new organisation shall work Hand in Hand with our already existing german supporter organization Helfen macht Schule.


All tanzanians, but especially parents, citizens of the neighbor villages, relatives to present and former students, and former students themselves are invited to become a member and supporter.   




Latest update: 25.1.2025 (Updates School Infrastructure)


Our internet pages were established on 17.07.2012 by Dr. Michael Bauer

Contact the webmaster (Dr. Bauer) 

Direct Contact to Headmaster / Administration ---> use Contact Telephone Numbers on Top of the right column


The Header picture from july 2012 shows the schoolyard from a position close to the administration.



Please share this page with friends

Flyer / Overview


Please visit our Latest News page for information about recent activities

at our school.


Our School: How everything started (Pics) - Historical Pictures of KSS

Kilimanjaro Skills Support: A new organization to support the development of our school was founded.


Online Study Resources at TETEA.


Great hand-over ceremony of the girls dormitory extensions. Please visit Latest News for more information!