Kishumundu Secondary School (KSS) is owned by the communities around it and basically managed by the catholic diocese of Moshi. Our school was established in 1985 (see pictures below). It is open to Day and Boarding students of both genders. In Form III and IV the KSS offers two branches with different priorities, Arts and Sciences.
In the past years we were able to improve the infrastructure of our school, e.g. by establishing an internet connection, solar power supply and dormatories for our boarding students (see below!)
In the past we received support from various national and international institutions such as
Kishumundu Secondary School highly appreciates its partnerships with schools in Germany, mainly Kopernikusschule at Freigericht (Germany), but in
the past also Alexander-von-Humboldt-Schule at Viernheim (Germany) and Danderyds-Gymnasium at Danderyds (Sweden).
Overview of the following Content:
The history of our school can't be told without highlighting Mr. James S. Kiwara, who was the Headmaster of Kishumundu Secondary School for 31 years (!). He retired in 2017, but is still firmly attached and highly active to support our school.
Asante sana Mr. Kiwara!
In the following panel you can see the tremendous development our school made after it was established. On the left you see pictures of Kishumundu Secondary School from the very early beginning in 1985 and later on, on the right the corresponding pictures from approximately the same position in july 2017 (courtesy of Dr. Michael Bauer).
The place where the girls dormatory was been erected.
Klick here to see a Satellite View of the entire School how it looks like nowadays.
Teachers of Kishumundu Secondary School and their guests in 2000. Courtesy of Winfried Sommer (second from the right in the lower row, next to our headmaster Mr. Kiwara).
Teaching staff (31th of july 2012):
Mr. Wilson Kira, Mrs. Elisabeth Materu, Mr. Benedict Moshi, Mr. Fidelis Maige, Mr. Frank Sanka, Mr. Godfrey Mashtaki, Mr. Ludovic Kilawe, Mr. Philip Nzao (upper row), Mr. Conrad Temba, Mrs.
Matilda Kiwara, Mr. Filbert Kilawe, and Mrs. J. Olotu (lower row).
Mr. Conrad Temba, Mr. Filbert Kilawe, Mr. I. Materu, Mrs. Matilda Kiwara, Mrs. Elisabeth Materu, Mr. Benedict Moshi, Mr. Fidelis Maige, Mr. Frank Sanka, Mrs. J. Olotu, Mr. Godfrey Mashtaki, and Mr. Ludovic Kilawe.
Additional teachers (not shown): Mr. John Lyimo, Mr. Francis Gayo,
Mrs. Prisca and Mr. James S. Kiwara.
July 2012: Students preparing the space for the second extention to the girls dormatory.
In july Dr. Michael Bauer visited us for a couple of weeks for teaching as volunteer. He became a good friend of us. He relauched our Kishumundu Secondary School websites here on the Jimdo internet platform and got our Webmaster.
August 2012: The form three and form two students after arrival at Ngorongoro crater for study tour. Klick on an image to see an enlarged picture.
August 2012: An antenna tower was installed to supply internet service to Kishumundu Secondary School.
Harvesting activities: Students packing the maize on store after harvesting from the school farm.
NEW: Kishumundu Secondary School owns a truck now
The new truck of Kishumundu Secondary School from our donators of Helfen macht Schule in Germany (September 2012).
October 2012: Our school was visited by students and teachers from our german partner schools, Kopernikusschule Freigericht and Alexander-von-Humbold-Schule in Viernheim. Please point on a photo to get a description. A click will open an enlarged view of the images. Photographer: Winfried Sommer.
Mid of november 2012: Our students performed their exams. They have left the school for Christmas holidays. The new term will start in January 2013.
30th November 2012: Our german friends of Helfen macht Schule transfered some actual pictures of the yearly pre-christmas bazar at Kopernikusschule Freigericht to us. Students of class six were selling selfmade goods and food. Members of Helfen macht Schule were selling the brand new Africa calendar 2013 and handcrafted goods that were made in Tanzania. The profit of the entire activities is donated to Helfen macht Schule to support our School. Click on the pictures to see enlarged images with comments in a photo gallery. Pictures were taken by Dr. Michael Bauer and Winfried Sommer.
January 2013
A HAPPY NEW YEAR to all of you. Our new term started with really good news for us ! We are very happy to announce that our german supporter organisation Helfen macht Schule and the german goverment will enable our school to build a dormatory for boys. It is planned to finish the construction until the end of this year.
News of April 2013
Our students participated in a sportive competition of Secondary Schools of the Uru region, worked on the school fields and the construction of the new dormatory for boys at Kishumundu Secondary School started!
June 2013
Right now we are on holidays. For july we expect special guests at Kishumundu Secondary School: 1) one of our german volunteers from last year (Dr. Michael Bauer) will be back for a few weeks, and 2) one week later a group of 19 of our german friends of Helfen macht Schule will visit our school, 3) Winfried Sommer, one member of the german group, prolongs his 9th !! visit at Tanzania by one extra week to be exclusively at our school.
Karibu - Welcome!
July 2013
The work on our constructions projects progresses rapidly! Concrete was placed on the roof of the second extension building to the girls dormatory and at the end of july also on the foundation of the boys dormatory.
On the weekend our beamer is sometimes used to watch a movie in our dining hall, but this time it took place on thursday, since Dr. Bauer brought us a collection of new movies. We watched AVATAR on a freshly generated white screen (please see pictures below). Also worth to be mentioned here: Our homepage is now existing for one year. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
But the highlight of july clearly was the visit by our german friends of Helfen macht Schule. They spent a whole day at our school and were very, very curious! They wanted to see the classrooms, the sleeping rooms, the kitchen, the computer room
...., in short just everything and they took a lot of photos and were asking us innumerous questions!
Here are some pictures from their visit:
August 2013
See the latest changes at the boys dormatory construction on the picture below.
Extensions to the girls dormatory
We currently expand the capacities of our girl dormatory by two extensions, a right and a left wing. Here the right wing with freshly poured concrete roof.
October and November 2013
Once again we are visited by our beloved friends of Helfen macht Schule in Germany. In addition to Mr. Kessler and Mr. Benzing our deep friend Mr. Sommer showed up at Kishumundu Sec. School for the second time this year! We are very happy about this - Karibu!
Via the guestbook we received the following message by Malaika, another german friend of us. Malaika recently worked as a volunteer at Kishumundu Secondary School. After she left us she wrote a report at Probono about her time with us. Unfortunately it is written in german, but it
contains some nice pictures.
Dear friends at Kishumundu Secondary!
I want to send you warm greetings from Germany.
I hope everything is fine at school, I miss all of you and hope to visit you again soon!
Best wishes,
December 2013
Our new dormatory building for the boys now has a roof and the walls are prepared for painting.
We wish all our visitors Merry Christmas and a happy New Year.
For our new form 1 students the term 2014 started on monday, 13 th of january.
News of March 2014
1. Our form IV students performed quite well in the final examinations 2013. Only one out of 44 students failed to pass due to missed periods caused by health problems. In total the extraordinary good results pushed our school to position 307 out of 3256 tanzanian schools.
2. Progress at the boys dormitory
View inside one room of our new Boys dormitory. Four boys will share one room.
An impression from the bathroom of our new Boys dormitory.
An impression from the bathroom of our new Boys dormitory.
June 2014
Our school is currently closed for holidays. The administration is open.
July 2014
The second term started. Students and teachers are back at school.
Our school is building a new kitchen
August 2014
Our boys dormitory is completed. In january 2015 it went into use.
On sunday, 24th of august, a group of students, teachers, staff members and our volunteer Dr. Michael Bauer went together to visit Tarangire National Park. The park is a big attraction to foreign
as well as national visitors. They were able to observe a variety of wild animals in an amazing environment, which certainly needs strict protection to be preserved. Our highlights: elephants,
giraffes, a lion, and a cheetah!!
Usage of kerosine for lighting is common in Tanzania. Unfortunately these lamps do not spend much light, their usage cause high costs and the emitted gases cause health problems. Initiated by our friend Dr. Michael Bauer a solar project started that aims to substitute this expensive lighting method by modern solar-LED lamps. A series of seminars was given by him and Mr. Nzao to inform the participants of the project about the advantages and function of solar LED-Lights. The participants shall act as solar scouts to spread this usefull lamps to the neightbourhood of the school and at their homeplaces. Read more on the solar project homepage on .
Dr. Bauer and Mr. Nzao explain the function of solar panels during one of their seminars on the use of solar power to generate electricity.
The Villageboom solar LED-lamp used in the new solar project of the school. You can buy the lamp at the school. Please visit our internet page for purchasing details.
The below shown pictures are optimized for display on computer screens. For prints on paper please click here to find the high quality pictures.
Teachers and staff of the School with our friend and volunteer teacher Dr. Michael Bauer (teacher of Chemistry, Biology and Physics), a board member of our German friends Helfen macht Schule.
Shortly after his departure our next german volunteers Phillip and later on Mr. Sommer will arrive at our school to support us to provide high quality education to our students.
Teachers and staff members of Kishumundu Secondary School
on August 28th, 2014.
Link to this Picture in higher resolution for printing on paper.
Upper row from the left: Mr. Moshi (Computer), Mr. Kiwara (Headmaster), Mr. Njau (Maths), Mr. Kilawe (Civics), Mr. Mmbaga (Chemistry & Biology), Mrs. Mituwani (Matron), Mr. Massao (Bookkeeping & Commerce), Mr. Materu (Kiswahili), Mr. Odilo (Cook & Truck driver), Mrs. Ngandu (Accountant)
Lower row from the left: Mrs. Minja (Cook), Mrs. Prisca (English), Mrs. Mungure (Secretary of the Headmaster), Mrs. Lyimo (Typist), Mrs. Massawe (Kiswahili & History) and Mrs. Ringo (Kiswahili & Geography).
To ensure healthy water supply a solar-driven water desinfection device to prepare drinking water was installed.
August 2014
The completed Boys dormitory at begin of August 2014.
ASANTE SANA to all friends of Helfen macht Schule for their generous support.
Like two years ago our school was visited by guests from our German partner schools at end of october. In addition our long-term friend Winfried Sommer enjoyed us with a visit and his support of
more than 4 weeks! KARIBUNI!
After writing the final exams of the actual term our students went home to enjoy their summer / christmas holidays. The new term will start in january 2015.
We wish all our visitors, friends and members of our school community Merry Christmas and a good start into a prosperous year 2015.